





Core Java:

  1. Understanding Basics:

    • Start with the basics of Java, including its history, features, and the “Hello World” program.
  2. Setting up the Development Environment:

    • Install Java Development Kit (JDK) and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, or Visual Studio Code.
  3. Java Syntax:

    • Learn the basic syntax of Java, including variables, data types, operators, and control flow statements (if, else, switch, loops).
  4. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

    • Understand the principles of OOP: classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction.
  5. Classes and Objects:

    • Dive deeper into classes and objects. Understand how to create classes, instantiate objects, and define methods.
  6. Arrays and Strings:

    • Learn how to work with arrays and strings in Java. Understand common operations and methods.
  7. Exception Handling:

    • Understand Java’s exception handling mechanism. Learn about try, catch, throw, and finally blocks.
  8. File I/O:

    • Learn how to perform input and output operations with files in Java. Understand FileReader, FileWriter, BufferedReader, and BufferedWriter.
  9. Collections Framework:

    • Explore the Collections Framework, including lists, sets, and maps. Learn about ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, and HashMap.
  10. Java APIs:

    • Familiarize yourself with commonly used Java APIs, such as the Java Standard Edition (SE) library. Explore java.lang, java.util, and java.io packages.
  11. Threads:

    • Understand multithreading in Java. Learn how to create and manage threads, synchronization, and concurrent programming.
  12. Java GUI (Swing/AWT):

    • If interested in graphical user interfaces, learn about Java GUI programming using Swing or AWT. Understand event handling and components.

Advanced Java:

  1. Java Database Connectivity (JDBC):

    • Learn JDBC for database connectivity in Java. Understand how to connect to databases, execute SQL queries, and handle transactions.
  2. Servlets:

    • Understand Java Servlets for developing web applications. Learn how to handle HTTP requests and responses, session management, and servlet lifecycle.
  3. JavaServer Pages (JSP):

    • Learn JSP for dynamic web content generation. Understand how to embed Java code in HTML pages and create dynamic web applications.
  4. Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB):

    • Explore EJB for building enterprise-level, distributed applications in Java. Understand session beans, message-driven beans, and entity beans.
  5. Spring Framework:

    • Dive into the Spring Framework, a widely used framework for Java development. Learn about dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming, and Spring modules.
  6. Hibernate:

    • Learn Hibernate for object-relational mapping (ORM) in Java. Understand how to map Java objects to database tables and perform database operations.
  7. RESTful Web Services:

    • Understand the principles of REST and learn how to create RESTful web services using frameworks like JAX-RS.
  8. Java Message Service (JMS):

    • Explore JMS for messaging between Java applications. Learn about message queues and topics.
  9. Spring Boot:

    • Learn Spring Boot for rapid development of Java-based web applications. Understand the conventions and features provided by Spring Boot.
  10. Microservices Architecture:

    • Explore the concept of microservices architecture in Java. Learn how to design, develop, and deploy microservices-based applications.
  11. Unit Testing (JUnit):

    • Learn about unit testing in Java using JUnit. Understand how to write and run test cases for Java code.
  12. Build Tools (Maven/Gradle):

    • Familiarize yourself with build tools like Maven or Gradle for managing dependencies and building Java projects.