





Spring Boot is a powerful and widely used framework for building Java-based web applications and microservices. Here’s a suggested roadmap for Spring Boot training:


  1. Core Java:

    • Ensure a solid understanding of core Java concepts, including OOP, classes, objects, and basic Java syntax.
  2. Spring Framework Basics:

    • Familiarize yourself with the basics of the Spring Framework, including dependency injection, inversion of control (IoC), and the Spring container.

Spring Boot Roadmap:

  1. Introduction to Spring Boot:

    • Understand the purpose and features of Spring Boot. Learn how it simplifies the development of Java-based applications.
  2. Setting Up the Development Environment:

    • Install the necessary tools, including the Java Development Kit (JDK) and an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse.
  3. Creating Your First Spring Boot Project:

    • Create a simple Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr. Understand the project structure and dependencies.
  4. Building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot:

    • Learn how to build RESTful web services using Spring Boot. Explore the use of annotations, such as @RestController and @RequestMapping.
  5. Data Access with Spring Boot:

    • Explore data access using Spring Data JPA. Learn how to interact with relational databases using repositories and entities.
  6. Database Integration:

    • Connect your Spring Boot application to a database. Understand configuration properties and use frameworks like Hibernate for object-relational mapping (ORM).
  7. Thymeleaf and View Templates:

    • Learn how to use Thymeleaf as a templating engine for rendering dynamic views in Spring Boot web applications.
  8. Spring Boot Security:

    • Understand Spring Security for securing your Spring Boot applications. Learn about authentication, authorization, and securing RESTful endpoints.
  9. Spring Boot Testing:

    • Explore testing in Spring Boot using JUnit and Spring Boot Test. Understand how to write unit tests and integration tests for your applications.
  10. Handling Forms and Validation:

    • Learn how to handle forms and perform validation in Spring Boot applications. Understand form binding and validation annotations.
  11. Dependency Injection in Spring Boot:

    • Dive deeper into dependency injection in Spring Boot. Understand the use of @Autowired and constructor-based injection.
  12. Spring Boot Profiles:

    • Learn how to use Spring Boot profiles for managing configuration in different environments (development, production, etc.).
  13. Logging in Spring Boot:

    • Understand logging in Spring Boot. Learn how to configure and use logging frameworks like Logback.
  14. RESTful Web Services with Spring Boot (Advanced):

    • Explore advanced features of building RESTful APIs, including content negotiation, versioning, and exception handling.
  15. Microservices Architecture with Spring Boot:

    • Understand the principles of microservices architecture. Learn how to build and deploy microservices using Spring Boot.