





100% Job Guaranteed Program*

The Full Stack Java Development Course will help you start your career as a Java Developer and become a ICMT certified web developer. It involves developing both the front-end and back-end components of a web application using Java technologies. It requires proficiency in Java programming, as well as knowledge of frameworks and tools for building user interfaces, handling server-side logic, and managing databases. A Full Stack Java developer can create responsive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, implement server-side functionality using Java frameworks like Spring, and integrate databases using technologies such as JDBC. This comprehensive approach enables developers to design and build end-to-end web applications that deliver seamless user experiences and efficient data processing.

Module 1 – Java 
·         Introduction and Software Installation
·         Basic of Java
·         Data Types
·         Operators in Java
·         Control Statement and Looping
·         Arrays and Strings
·         Collection interfaces (List, Set, Map)
·         Functions
·         OOP’s in Python
·         File Handling
·         Exception Handling
·         Multi-Threading
·         Hands-on Sessions and Assignments for Practice
·         Java – Graded Exam


Module 2 – Data Structures and Algorithms 
·         Arrays
·         linked lists
·         Stacks
·         Queues
·         Trees
·         Graphs
·         Hash Tables
·         Searching Algorithms
·         Sorting Algorithms


Module 3 – Database Connectivity
  • Introduction to databases and SQL
  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API
  • CRUD operations using JDBC
  • Connection Pooling
  • Performance Optimization


Module 4 – Web Development Basics 
·         Introduction and Software Installation
·         Introduction to web development and HTTP
·         HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals
·         DOM manipulation and event handling
·         Introduction to front-end frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js)



Module 5 – Servlets & JSP 
·         Introduction to servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP)
·         Servlet lifecycle and request/response handling
·         JSP scripting elements, and JSP standard tag library (JSTL)
·         Session management and cookies



Module 6 – Spring Framework 
·         Introduction to the Spring Framework
·         Dependency injection and inversion of control (IoC)
·         Spring MVC for building web applications
·         Data access with Spring JDBC and ORM frameworks (e.g., Hibernate)


Module 7 – RESTful Webservices
  • Introduction to RESTful Architecture
·         Building RESTful APIs with Java and Spring
·         JSON and XML data serialization
·         Authentication and authorization in RESTful services


Module 8 – Front – end Development
  • Advanced JavaScript concepts (closures, prototypes)
  • Front-end build tools (Webpack, Babel)
  • Styling with CSS preprocessors (Sass, Less)
  • Single-page application (SPA) development using a front-end framework


Module 9 – Security and Authentication
·         Web application security principles
·         Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
·         User authentication and authorization
·         Role-based access control (RBAC)


Module 10 – Testing and Quality Assurance 
·         Unit testing with JUnit and Mockito
·         Integration testing and end-to-end testing
·         Code coverage and quality metrics
·         Test-driven development (TDD) principles


Module 11 – Deployment and DevOps 
·         Deployment strategies (on-premises, cloud-based)
·         Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
·         Docker containers and containerization
·         Monitoring and logging in production environments


Module 12 – Advanced Java Topics
·         Java 8 features (lambda expressions, streams)
·         Functional programming in Java
·         Reactive programming with Java and Spring WebFlux
·         Performance tuning and optimization techniques